fact- for a girl who spent five years in art school i am woefully stupid at adobe photoshop. so bear with me as i try to figure this stuff out, guys. i just wrestled stupid adobe programs for an unknown but long feeling period of time trying to get arrows in my pictures. JUST THE ARROWS.

so! that having been said, and with a thanks to caitlin and eimile (also taking on the 30 for 30 remix!) for helping me edit my selection, here be my picks:

six knits. i’m a little bummed that i forgot that i wanted to put in the t-shirt i’m wearing today. but it’s another heather grey t-shirt, so i don’t think i need it!

five blouses

one pair of shorts, three pants

three skirts

two dresses

two cardigans, two blazers

five pairs of shoes

now, if you are a real smarty-pants (or if you can count to 30), you might notice that’s 29. so i thought i’d leave the 30th to you:
white lacy blouse? or navy and white stripey cardigan? let me know in the comments!