knitting it up in a big way

Monthly Archives: December 2008

DISCLAIMER: this post is 5 years old, dear readers. i’m just importing it from my old blog because i’m referencing it on this blog! do not worry for my fingers, they are currently intact.

yeah. it’s true. i cut off my fingertip. mostly just skin. but it bled. a lot. as an added bonus, i thought i’d show you my new favorite piece of knitting.

got silver nitrate put on it

the pattern is selbu modern by kate. it’s very very warm. and soft. i actually knit it top down because i was worried about how small the skeins of yarn were. (87 yards).

i’ll tell you more about that later, but i’m really tired right now. and it’s frustrating to type one handed

i have no idea how this will affect my work for finals. or my knitting…