knitting it up in a big way

Monthly Archives: November 2010

fingerless gloves for catie

i love to scrap bust. i used up the partial skein left over from thyme’s sleeves. and i got a christmas present for a friend out of it. jake has been eying them lustily since i cast on for them… and his are kind of in terrible condition. so maybe i should make a new pair for him, too…


i really don’t understand the left thumb gusset in this pattern, so i used the right thumb gusset for both, and mirrored their placement. i noticed this when i made sir janks’ mitts.

princess mitts

also, in order to use up the yarn, i added about five rows to each mitt…

you may notice that emi is wearing estella’s blue lagoon, and jake is wearing the bits and bobs hat and danny boy. it was a handknit thanksgiving up in the upper peninsula.

put up your dukes!

pattern: princess mitts from the book of yarn
yarn: berroco ultra alpaca, a partial skein leftover from another project, about half a skein.
needles: size 6.

mondo neck cozy on david

when we went to toronto, i brought the mondo neck cozy that i finished in august, to gift it to it’s intended recipient. due to breezes and cool weather, i ended up wearing this for the first several days until i saw david. and it was so warm and squooshy and cuddly…


i’ve been thinking that maybe i need one, too…

rav project page.

i’ve been working on the apartment a lot recently. i started before vacation, rearranging furniture. the living room is my focus at the moment. since we got back from toronto and niagara falls, i’ve been working on finishing up the place. there’s still plenty to do, but i moved our books (the living room books. there’s more elsewhere, of course) into the built in bookcase, and i’m really pleased with the result!

here’s the before, with all of our cds, and random stuffs just chilling, probably because it’s the most convenient place:

(i didn’t actually remember to take a before picture, so this was grabbed from the background of another picture. sorry about the fuzziness)

and after:

other than covering the two shoe boxes that are stacked on the magazines holders (primarily comics and knitting magazines!), this is done for the moment! hurrah! i was amazed at how much it helped the rest of the room, too.

this rearranging/decorating phase i’m going through? entirely young house love‘s fault. i super duper love that blog. and oh, let’s face it, apartment therapy can share the blame a little bit

there’s knitting that has been happening, and knitting that will be happening. i took stock of where i am in terms of holiday gift knitting, and i’m doing okay, but i still know i’m not going to finish everything i have planned. so i gotta start prioritizing.