knitting it up in a big way

Tag Archives: textured

whoo! welcome to the first in a series of quick knits in preparation for the holidays! over the next several weeks, i’ll give you guys a small selection of easily accessible knits that (in my opinion) would make good gifts, and should knit up fairly quickly!

first up: shawls!

shawls are nice dramatic layering pieces, good for looking chic whilst bundled up in your winter coat, or good at home on chilly evenings, or as mini lap blankets. but this isn’t the spot for multiple lace patterns on cobweb yarn, we need shawls that knit up a little faster, so:

[textured suri by wovenhand, a little over 600 yards of blue sky alpacas suri merino on US size 9 (5.5mm) needles]

textured shawl recipe (free ravelry download, y’all! holla!)
while 600+ yards is a little hefty for a quick knit, i have heard from multiple sources that this shawl knits up quickly and is pretty addictive. if you are feeling flush with cash (a la tom haverford and jean-ralphio), go for this yarn. it is every knitter’s dream. ALSO: it doesn’t have to be this big! the original is actually just 330 yards. so. easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!

[hey, good eyes, this is totally my knit. lavendulus marina by ifandany, clocking in at about 410 yards on US size 6 (4mm) needles.]

schieffelin point shawl (free ravelry download, what-what?!)
this shawl isn’t too much of a time investment. with a garter based body, this starts out as a great TV knit. then the lace border is knit on perpendicularly, which adds a little bit of excitement, and you really don’t need to worry about binding off too tightly.

[annis by anneleterme. approx 240 yards on US size 6 (4mm) needles]

annis (free pattern from knitty!)
shawlettes are great bang for your buck. they use less yarn, and can be styled like a scarf, which some recipients might find more accessible. i also think this would look great in a heavier weight yarn. or, if you’re feeling adventurous, use the crescent shaped stockinette base, and add a different edging, like perhaps this one with the echo flower edging.

[sometime before midnight by juneberrystar. two skeins of malabrigo, or 420 yards, on Us size 11 (8mm) needles.]

sweet november shawl (free free free)
this is one of jill’s most worn knits, and i really love how dramatic it is, with the bulk and the fringe. the yardage above includes the fringe. i’ve been meaning to make one for a couple of years now. open & airy, all-over lace on large needles means this will knit up fairly quickly. just be sure to give it a really stretchy bind-off!

bonus round: these are only a few ideas among the dozens and dozens of patterns available to you! the ishbel shawl is incredibly popular, and it is addictive and intuitive (though not free). the echo flower shawl in it’s original form is a little intense for a last minute knit, but i think this worsted weight version is an absolute knock-out, and it makes me want to cast on this very moment. the citron (free, and makes for fairly mindless knitting), gingko shoulderette (free, and i love kessanlin’s version), holden shawlette (free, lovely, xanniex made a beautiful, sunny version) are all fabulous options!

what about you guys? do you have any quick shawl patterns up your sleeve? share in the comments for anyone seeking inspiration!