knitting it up in a big way

Tag Archives: book





gift hat – thrift tank – talbots hand me down skirt – old navy sandals

this skirt was my grandma’s. i have inherited a chunk of her wardrobe (you may have noticed if you’ve been reading my outfit descriptors), and let me tell you, the lady had good taste. i now possess a much higher percentage of talbots than i did before. although the actual amount of space i have for my wardrobe has been pushed to its limits. and now i’m rethinking what i own versus what i wear. what needs work or mending versus what i’m likely to actually do. these are tough topics of thought for someone as materialistically sentimental as i am. but i really dislike the pile that has no home on my bedroom floor.

on a completely different topic, do you need a summer book?

Halfway through this and I'm SO TEMPTED to flip to the end for some answers. Instead I'll try to speed read through it...

we were liars by e. lockhart

Cadence Sinclair Easton comes from an old-money family, headed by a patriarch who owns a private island off of Cape Cod. Each summer, the extended family gathers at the various houses on the island, and Cadence, her cousins Johnny and Mirren, and friend Gat (the four “Liars”), have been inseparable since age eight. During their fifteenth summer however, Cadence suffers a mysterious accident. She spends the next two years—and the course of the book—in a haze of amnesia, debilitating migraines, and painkillers, trying to piece together just what happened. from school library journal

that’s the synopsis i like best. if you are looking for a quick, engrossing read for the beach, may i recommend this? it is twisty and turny and pull-at-your-heartstrings-y. i read it twice in one day. when i finished, i had to go back to the beginning to revisit many of the scenes again. this is also one of those books where it is probably best if you go in knowing less rather than more. so thusly ends my extremely brief review.

i’ve found my red pants, and i think i’ve found my tweedy blazer! but wishlists aren’t finite things, there’s always a couple of things floating around on my wishlist. so here’s what i’ve been looking for recently when i’m perusing the shops:

* penny loafers:

Source: via Eliza @ ifandany on Pinterest

image from the other emily (i wish she’d start blogging again, i love her style).

* a red plaid flannel, vaguely christmas-y looking preferred:

Source: via Eliza @ ifandany on Pinterest

this image found via tomboy style. i see plenty of these in oversized mens sizes at thrift stores, but they are way too big on me. my eyes are peeled for one that will fit me a little better.

* a pretty copy of the little princess:

Source: via Eliza @ ifandany on Pinterest

the version i found on pinterest claims to be from the albatross, a tumblr i am kind of obsessed with, but i couldn’t find it there, and i think this flickr picture might be the original source.

my paperback copy of the little princess is falling apart, and for some reason it is harder to find the little princess than it is to find a secret garden. i certainly don’t need a copy this old or beautiful, but something other than the bland paperbacks that seem to be the only thing available. i really enjoy good book design. or at least a pretty cover.

what are you guys on the lookout for right now?

have you been wondering what’s happening in my knitting world? yeah, me too. i’m in a bit of a knitting funk. knitting mojo, wherefore have you gone? honestly, i’m not sure why this knitting malaise came on… but here it is. but this last weekend, i was at a friends place, and she showed me something seriously exciting…

do you see it? do you?!

here, i’ll give you a hint:

wonder womans mitts o' truth!

my friend, who is friends with both the author and the photographer, was asked to lend some winter clothing/accessories for the cover shoot, and among them were the wonder womans mitts of truth! (ravelry project page and blog post). the book is office girl by joe meno.

last night, after getting seriously sick of looking at myself while going through my pictures (i’m not done yet…), i decided to try to do something about my knitting malaise, and pulled out my very nearly complete sweater:

getting close!
(ravelry project page and blog post)

and i cast on for the neckline and finished that within two hours. nothing like finishing a long term project to give you a sense of accomplishment! gotta sew in the ends and either block it or give it a quick steam, and then: pictures!

it’s been too long, friends, since my last daydream knitting post. i’ve been thinking about them, to be sure.

i never would have known this book existed, but i was playing follow the links through the internet and found a blog post (goodness knows where, i don’t think i could find it again if i wanted to) where someone was waxing poetic about this being one of their favorite books growing up, and describing it in a way that made it sound just right for me.

i love cassandra, the main character and protagonist. i’m not certain, now, if i was just like her, or if i just wanted to be like her, but this variety of dreamy, imaginative, well-intentioned but questionable decision-making and poetic character, these were among my favorite characters… sara crewe, emily starr, etc. so despite that i read this book for the first time in my 20’s, there was a quality of rediscovering an old friend as i read it.

the film is lovely, a fairly good adaptation, as far as these things go, and has some lovely knits in it. here are rose and cassandra in the village, and i thought rose’s blue hat, a fairly simple beret, with purled stripes, was charming.

(the picture links to the source. it’s from kris atomic. here’s another group of screenshots of the movie if you feel like feasting your eyes on some more pretties.)

among the many things i love about british period dramas is their absolute reliability to have some sweet knits in them. (why doesn’t downton abbey?! i desperately want to do a daydream knitting about it…)

speaking of sara crewe, my old book group has decided to sputter back to life (huzzah!), and we’re kicking it off with a little princess, and i couldn’t be happier.